April 13th and the “Burning Question” Before Me

On the unluckiest day of the cruelest month, I ran my second three miles without incidence. These are, to remind you, one mile jags separated by a lot of walking. But still. So far, so good.

Next week will be a bit of a tester. Starting Monday, I’ll try a jury trial. Guy is charged with murder. Sunday is scheduled to be a day off. I’m pretty strictly committed to the one day on one day off manner. Now, I find myself feeling pressured to put in another date tomorrow. The weather will be perfect. I’m liable to walk ten miles. What’s the difference in me running three little miles separated by walk breaks? I don’t know.

But, I do feel like this will be, rather would be, quite a departure from strategy. It’s probably not, but it might be. I might be contrived to work in another change. Then still another. Then, I find myself banged up an out. I’m literally on my sixth run back, and I’m already tinkering with strategy.

Maybe, secondarily that is, I could run the three miles early in the morning on Monday. I could run before the trial. Then, I will have at least a modicum of success before what could be difficult. If it’s really difficult then I don’t have to bust a run in the evening after trial

I don’t know. What do you think? 🤔

New Balance 860 — an excellent shoe



As further consideration (or rumination) the weather today and tomorrow is sunny and warm. The weather Tuesday and Wednesday is cloudy with rain. I can do just as much good for myself by taking a long walk today as I can by running at all.

But Monday I could run/walk at the end of the day or I could get up early. I feel a great degree of freedom to do as I please whenever I am on trial. If I can’t come home because the jury is deliberating then I can’t come home.

This trial will last at least three days. It may be four. Only if it is five days does fatigue play into the analysis.

Bottom line is this: I want to continue my goal of running, a little anyway, every other day. Were I to attempt to “massage” the process I would have to run today and give up my plan.

Accordingly, I choose, in light of an uncertain trial both in duration and fatigue, to run Monday, Wednesday and Friday, consistent with my announced plan at the start of the month. Today I’ll walk, maybe as many as ten miles, but no running.


Just sitting here thinking about how it’s noon and it would be perfect to run now. Oh goodness… I’m seriously thinking about it!


Nope I’m not gonna do it today.c


Ok. I’m done now. I’m ready to rest. No running, but a crapload of walking. Now becomes the interesting challenge of when tomorrow to run.

If I go early then it’ll be done until Wednesday.

But if I go late Monday, I’ll expect to have zero pressure to get it done, yet a lot of pressure to actually do it. Morning yields the benefit of doing it when I’m fresh.

So, I think I’ll go upstairs and lay down and continue my meditation.


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